For me the design process starts with understanding what is key for each collection or style at hand. A fantastic or exciting fabric deserves all solutions to enhance the fabric's quality. For a product aimed at a wide range of users I need to find those small tweaks that make it outstanding without losing the wide appeal. A new technical solution deserves focus on itself. Most often many aspects come together in the same product, making it all a fascinating puzzle.

Many things come to life by trying and testing. When appropriate I like to take the problem (issue to be solved), scrap fabric, trims, tape, glue… and get carried away with the sewing machine. In the sewing room I come up with ideas, solutions and can quickly move on from those that don’t work. At the end there is a technical solution that both works and that is production friendly. This I find really enjoyable and saves many steps further in the process. Sending my own mockups to producers has been very helpful for all.

A good fit and finish are key to all products. I tend to place my seams where they help the pattern maker construct a functional, gradeable and appealing fit. While wearing comfort and durability is always in focus. Understanding the customer’s spoken and unspoken desires are equally important. This is relevant at all stages from design, setting features, fitting to colouring.

Working in an innovative field we sometimes make products to show off or share a fantastic fabric innovation. In these cases the fabric or whatever new it is, really comes first. All construction is chosen to enhance or underline what is special about this innovation. I prefer my product, rather than my artistic ego, take center stage.

As a technical designer I most often get to be a part of a professional team. I take my profession very seriously and would never miss a good laugh. In a well working team everyone does their part, is encouraged to develop and knowledge is shared. I work hard, with a smile on my face, have high expectations on myself and expect the same from others.

My responsibility as a professional designer doesn’t stop where the next person takes over. A successful product is designed by considering all aspects that go from the design table to production to merchandising and finally a beloved garment even after many adventures.

For more pictures and sketches klick here.